Monday, October 21, 2013

$4 billion Reliance Jamnagar Refinery Coke gasification: PMS contract awarded

Reliance Industries Limited (RIL) is converting a part of the fuel production for export into petrochemical added value products.
In that purpose, RIL has awarded a contract to Fluor to provide project management services (PMS) for its refining and petrochemical projects to be executed in Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.
Commissioned on July 1999 with an installed refining capacity of 668,000 b/d, 1.9 million t/y Polypropylene and 1.5 million t/y Paraxylene unit, Jamnagar is the largest refinery and Aromatics facility in the world.
RIL’s capital expenditure in the expansion of energy and petrochemicals projects represents one of the largest such investments globally.
The proposed coke gasification facility is also among the largest such projects ever built.
The project scope of work of the extension includes:
 - Petroleum coke gasification units
 - A refinery off-gas cracker
 - Downstream petrochemical plants
 - Captive power plant
 - Associated utilities and offsites.
Reliance reported that the refinery off-gas cracker expansion would increase production capacity:
 - Ethylene  from 1.8m t/y to 3.2m t/y
 - Propylene from 759,000 t/y to 913,000 t/y
 - Monoethylene glycol from 733,000 t/y to 1.4m t/y
 - Low-density polyethylene from 190,000 t/y to 590,000 t/y
 - High-density and linear low-density polyethylene from 928,000 to 1.4m t/y
 - Paraxylene from 1.8m t/y to 3.6m t/y
 - Acetic Acid 1 million t/y
 - plus Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) and Polyvinyl Acetate (PA).

Fluor wins the Engineering and Procurement Services

In addition to project management services, Fluor will provide engineering and procurement services (EPS) for RIL’s $4bn petroleum coke gasification project.
The completed gasification project will gasify petroleum coke to produce fuel and hydrogen for the expanded refinery, petrochemical complexes and captive power plant, as well as feedstock for future chemicals production
The two contract awards to Fluor will support Reliance Industries‘ next phase of growth in India and are also important milestones for the company.
 All together Reliance will spend $11 billion capital expenditure in this Jamnagar Refinery extension program to be completed in 2016.

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